What’s Going On?

When you have a loved one who is terminally ill, there are several things that may be running through your mind. You have probably been given the option of putting them in a hospice, but you simply may not know what all that entails. Pro Care Hospice offers many things, specifically:

  • Medications related o the terminal illness and symptoms
  • Usual and customary medical supplies and equipment such as hospital beds, commodes, oxygen, walkers and wheelchairs
  • Short term continuous care for crisis management
  • Counseling services to patient and family or loved ones
  • Short term respite care
  • In-patient care for uncontrolled symptom management
  • Bereavement services
  • Volunteers for companionship
  • Caregiver respite

When you have a loved one who is facing the point in life where they are going into a hospice, then they may be nervous about it. They may feel like they are going to be sent somewhere to die. But that is not the case. When you are at the stage in your life, where treatment is no longer working, then you need to go somewhere where you know that you will still be treated like a person. The last thing that you want is to feel like you lost yourself when you are still alive. Las Vegas hospice will give you the necessary treatment and respect that you deserve.

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