Meet The Staff

Expecting the unexpected is something that is underestimated. People may not think about a hospice until they have someone in their life that has to go there. When you find out that someone you love has hit a point in their sickness where they have been diagnosed as terminal, then you may start to wonder what exactly you are getting yourself into. Las Vegas hospice can provide you and your loved ones the help that you truly need. At Pro Care Hospice, you can expect the following:

A personal physician

A hospice physician

Registered nurses

Licensed practical nurses

Social workers


Spiritual care coordinators


Certified nursing assistants

Registered dietitians

Physical therapists

Speech therapists

 When you can see and understand everything that Pro Care Hospice has to offer, you can rest easy knowing that your loved one is going to be taken care of. They have a large team of doctors who knows what it is that you need in order to be taken care of. They can offer you pain management treatment so that your last days with us are not in pain. Contact Pro Care Hospice if you have a loved one who needs to be at a Hospice. They care for you.

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