Tips For Traveling With a Serious Illness

Traveling with an illness is complicated for anyone, regardless of their overall health. However, that complication is significantly increased with added risk when the person traveling is facing the end of their life with a terminal disease.
Even with the added risk, unless your doctor forbids it, you should still feel able to travel and see the people you care about the most or the destination vacation you never made it to while you still had the time. So, here are some tips to help you make your travels successful.

Talk with your hospice nurse Las Vegas relies on.

The worst thing you can do is travel without talking it over with your Las Vegas hospice services team. Let your doctor in on your plans to make sure travel won’t compromise your health even further. A hospice nurse Las Vegas trusts will be able to help you plan a vacation that accommodates all your needs while still allowing you to have fun. You also want to make sure you pack all the necessary items just in case of an emergency.

Find a hospice.

In the event of an emergency, you want to make sure you know where you can go. This is especially the case if you plan on taking a vacation that lasts for more than a week. There are transfer options available to make sure you keep getting the level of service you need to maintain your good health. This is also a good idea in case you lose or forget any medications. By being a part of a hospice service while you are away, you cover all your bases.

Find a pharmacy.

In the event you lose a prescription, forget it at home, or just need a new one, it is wise to know where you can find one on vacation. If it is a 24-hour pharmacy, that is even better. Get the name and contact number of a pharmacy that will be close to where you are staying. It’ll make it easier and faster to get around if the time comes to use their services.

Stock up.

If you are traveling out of state, there’s a good chance the pharmacy won’t be able to fill your prescription anyway. So, stock up on the medications that are most important to you so you can avoid the need of a pharmacy altogether.

Keep your meds close.

Your medications can do nothing for you if they are in your luggage in the underbelly of a plane. Keep your medications with you at all times in a carry-on case in their original bottles to stay protected.

Plan for traveling with oxygen.

If you need to travel with an oxygen tank, make the appropriate plans. Airlines have strict rules for flying with oxygen. Make sure you read up on that before you buy any tickets. Also, think about how you will get around once you are at your destination. Buses and trains have rules regarding this as well. Set up oxygen therapy and find a supply store in the event you need refills while you are away from home.

Think about your food.

If you need to eat a certain way to maintain your health, think about that while you plan. Don’t let your health deteriorate even further just because you aren’t getting the nutrition your body needs.

Your Emergency Plan.

Think about, “What is the worst that could happen?” and plan for that. Don’t be stuck without a plan because you are too weak to travel home or you need to be hospitalized and you don’t know where to go.

Don’t leave without support.

There are so many moving parts to traveling with a severe illness. Without the proper support, you’ll have a difficult time getting around and getting everything done while planning and enjoying your vacation. Make sure someone is with you while you travel. Also, make sure someone else at home is updated regularly about your trip and your conditions.

Have fun!

Don’t let all this planning be a damper on your trip. You’ve taken the time to plan ahead and now you get to have fun.
Your comfort and happiness is the primary concern for ProCare Hospice of Nevada. So don’t be afraid to plan your vacation with a hospice nurse Las Vegas loves because of their dedication and expertise. For more information about Las Vegas hospice services, contact 702.380.8300.

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