Let’s Talk: Teens With Cancer Need to Connect

The American Cancer Society defines an adolescent as age 15-19. In that age group, more than 5,000 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed every year and more than 10 percent of them are expected to die from their condition.
With these unfortunate statistics, you would think there would be more expertise regarding how to work and communicate with teens facing the end of their lives. Unfortunately, that just is not so.
Children’s hospitals are packed to the brim with children of all ages dealing with a condition that most people cannot relate to. Sadly, this usually translates to teens with cancer being ignored over the three year old who can’t stop crying simply because the teen is a little more autonomous.
The teen years are all about exploring the world and yourself, making friends, and pushing limits. Teens dealing with life-limiting illnesses aren’t able to have those same experiences and they deserve to talk about it. So, it’s important for family members and pediatric hospice care professionals to understand that teens desperately need to connect to the people around them, even if they seem strong, happy, and sound minded.
The best way to go about talking with your teen is elicit the support of a pediatric hospice staff in Las Vegas that understands exactly what it is your young adult needs. So, contact ProCare Hospice today at 702.380.8300 today to speak with a representative.

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