If you are the primary caregiver (or one of the caregivers) for someone at the end of life, you likely have a lot on your plate. From your regular responsibilities (whether it is a job, your spouse/children, the upkeep of your home, etc.) to providing the care for your loved one to coping with the situation yourself, you fulfill many roles and are supporting those around you to the best of your ability.
Sometimes, caregivers spend so much time and energy on others that they neglect themselves and their own well-being. You need to keep in mind that if you are not taking care of yourself, either physically or mentally, you will not be able to provide the level of care to your loved one that you aim for. As a caregiver, you need to take time for yourself, as well.
Unfortunately, problems like exhaustion, poor eating habits, lack of sleep, anxiety, frustration and depression are all too common among caregivers. Get the nutrition and rest that you need. Accept the help of hospice volunteers, family members and anyone who offers to lend a hand. If daily caregiving becomes too much for your, accept that and ask for respite care.
Here at Pro Care Hospice–your Las Vegas hospice–we strive to provide the most comforting end-of-life experience possible by valuing each patient as an individual. Contact us today!