Is It Time to Call a Hospice Provider? Signs Every Care Provider Should Be Aware Of

Is It Time to Call a Hospice Provider?

When dealing with your family’s well-being, making the choice to pursue hospice care can be a difficult one. Deciding when can be even more difficult to navigate. Unfortunately, you or your loved one’s doctor may not be able to inform you of the ideal time to assume this level of care. The best way to know if your family is truly ready to begin the process of hospice care is to discuss it with them. Approach the conversation delicately and be ready to recognize the signs that every caregiver should be aware of.

Is it time?

If the disease has progressed to the point where there is no cure or the family is no longer able to commit to full time support, it’s time to contact a hospice care provider.
Another good indication that a loved one is ready for hospice care is when he or she begins to decline treatment and hospitalization. This suggests that your family member has accepted the terminal nature of their illness and has moved past the stage of fighting. They generally seem at peace with the idea of death and hospice care can provide relief.
Perhaps the most important sign is that you are ready to let go. Of course, losing a loved one is never easy. But there comes a time in the life cycle that we have to inevitably accept the death of those we love. If everyone involved is ready, it’s time to make the move.
Although it is a good idea to consult the family’s primary care physician, remember the decision is ultimately yours. You may notice small clues that it is time to pursue hospice care that can go unseen by your doctor.

  • Increased pain, nausea or difficulty breathing
  • Repeated trips to the hospital or emergency room
  • The patient doesn’t recover well after medical set-backs
  • Increased assistance necessary for basic functions like walking, eating and using the restroom
  • Decreased alertness
  • Emotional withdrawal, increased sleep or difficulty comprehending things
  • Decreased appetite and severe weight loss.

If you’ve decided that hospice care in Las Vegas is the right choice for your family at this stage, then it is important to determine whether or not your loved one is eligible.


Any elderly patient diagnosed with a life-limiting disease is eligible for hospice care in Las Vegas. Cancer, Parkinson’s, heart disease and dementia are all illnesses that would warrant this style of medical care.
Don’t allow finances to be a determining factor in the decision making process. All families deserve care and support during this difficult time and many hospice facilities offer flexible payment options that allow people from many different financial backgrounds to be eligible for hospice care.
If you feel hospice care is a good fit you you and your family, ProCare Hospice of Nevada may be the right choice. The nurses and staff are dedicated to providing comfort and support to all the patients. They strive to give patients the best experience possible. For more information about Las Vegas hospice services, contact 702.380.8300.

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